Summary: index_undernutrion


Alarm level explanation: The customer’s BMI is less than 19 meaning that the customer is underweight. Special attention must be given to eating and providing nutrition.

  1. Food preferences

Offer foods that the customer likes to eat. Also take into account the customer’s wishes regarding spices and meal times. Avoid foods that the client does not like to eat.

  1. Swallowing difficulties

Does the composition of food affect swallowing? Does the client have reflux symptoms?

  1. Dental problems

Dry mouth and various other oral and dental problems can make eating difficult.

  1. Needs help in eating

In addition to physiological reasons, cognitive deviations may make it difficult for the client to eat on his own,

  1. Diseases

Pain, stomach symptoms and many diseases reduce appetite. Among other things, dementia, asthma, COPD, heart disease, liver failure, kidney failure and diabetes. Assess whether the client would benefit from using a nutritional supplement.

  1. Congnition decrease

  2. Depression

  3. Medication

Does the client have medication that can affect appetite, sense of taste, sense of smell or absorption of nutrients?

  1. Eating environment

Does the customer eat alone or together with someone else? Where does the customer eat? Do environment and company affect eating?

Warning level explanation: The customer’s BMI is 19–21. The customer is not underweight, but if the customer is elderly, they are at a higher risk of losing more weight. Extra attention should be given to eating.

  1. Food preferences

Offer foods that the customer likes to eat. Also take into account the customer’s wishes regarding spices and meal times. Avoid foods that the client does not like to eat.

  1. Swallowing difficulties

Does the composition of food affect swallowing? Does the client have reflux symptoms?

  1. Dental problems

Dry mouth and various other oral and dental problems can make eating difficult.

  1. Needs help in eating

In addition to physiological reasons, cognitive deviations may make it difficult for the client to eat on his own,

  1. Diseases

Pain, stomach symptoms and many diseases reduce appetite. Among other things, dementia, asthma, COPD, heart disease, liver failure, kidney failure and diabetes. Assess whether the client would benefit from using a nutritional supplement.

  1. Congnition decrease

  2. Depression

  3. Medication

Does the client have medication that can affect appetite, sense of taste, sense of smell or absorption of nutrients?

  1. Eating environment

Does the customer eat alone or together with someone else? Where does the customer eat? Do environment and company affect eating?

Ok level explanation: The customer shown no signs of undernutrition or there is no data available about it.